Remember how in my last posting I talked about what a nice time I had on Koh Rong? Strolling to the gorgeous beach over a hill, spending all day idly lounging around drinking coconut juice and swaying to and fro in a hammock? Well, I left out an important part of the experience. When I arrived at the beautiful beach, the owner of the bungalows immediately launched into being very friendly with me -- asking where I was from, where I'd come from, where I'd been staying, how I'd heard about the Village across the hill. Not wanting to be rude, I answered the questions, not sure where the natural boundaries in another culture exactly lay. An hour after listening to a couple dirty/inappropriate jokes and the plots of two Friends episodes recounted, I finally politely requested to be left alone for a bit to nap in peace.
Eventually, I headed up to the restaurant and the owner and his sister came and sat with me, asking more questions about my personal life and marvelling at my age (OK, that was very flattering). Being in a pretty laidback mood, I answered the questions, laughed, and went on my merry way to enjoy the ocean.
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