A better name for this blog might be "The Lazy Backpacker" because it would certainly describe my amazing ability to sightsee at a snail's pace and somehow idle away a day wandering around not "accomplishing" very much. I guess that is the joy of extended travel, you can go at a really different pace than when you're trying to cram everything in in less than two weeks. At the beginning of this trip, once the jetlag subsided, I was definitely trying to do and see lots (or feeling guilty if I didn't); now I seem to be very content with eating a late breakfast, wandering around for a while, retreating out of the sun for an hour or two to relax, then venturing back out for dinner, making my way back to my hotel once it's gotten dark out. (Unless I'm actually out with other people. Which has happened at least once or twice on this trip. I promise I am not a total antisocial loner all of the time. Just most of it.)
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