To be perfectly honest, I can't say this trip has been exactly easy or even 100% enjoyable so far. In fact, I've felt a little discombobulated since getting on the plane on Monday -- first there was the whole last minute shuffle with the hotels in Bangkok, which I had no time to research, meaning I ended up in parts of the city I might not have booked. Siem Reap, while certainly amazing to be here to see Angor Wat, has also had its own set of annoyances and frustrations. To add to it, it's been amazingly hot (40 degrees celsius) and I've been majorly jetlagged. On one hand, I think we enter a trip of any kind with a lot of expectations of how wonderful and mind-blowing and fantastic it's going to be and usually are let down by something, whether it's less than ideal accomodations or the sights not living up to the hype. Add to that a world where we are not just constantly plugged in to each others' lives but also have a constant display of people who seem to be always having the best life/travel experience ever, and it's easy to compare our own regular time against the sheen of what's in everyone else's social media streams.
Read MoreMotorbiking around Angor Wat, Cambodia